Day: 16 September 2016

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Thinking about SMSF?

Self-managed super fund (SMSF) has the words "self managed" in it but you don’t have to do it all yourself and if you are busy it is usually counter productive and just plain bad strategy to do it alone. A recent Investment Trends report suggests around 40 per cent of SMSF owners seek advice from a financial adviser and close to 100 per cent use an accountant or specialist administrator to assist with the compliance obligations such as tax returns, minutes, member statements, managing contributions and pensions.

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Phillip Anthony Partners joins Paris Financial East Melbourne

We are pleased to share that the team at Phillip Anthony Partners have merged with Paris Financial. Our team at Paris Financial can provide you with a large range of quality financial services with over 65 people located across two convenient locations in Blackburn and East Melbourne.

Paris Financial shares the same philosophy as Phillip Anthony Partners of providing a value focused and high quality service for each of our clients. We look forward to assisting with your accounting needs.